Mattie – In-home newborn session in West Chester, Ohio

It was so great seeing the Horn family again, this time for Mattie’s newborn pictures at their home in West Chester, Ohio.

I love that Colleen included their second baby Brendan in their family pictures by taking his picture down off their gallery wall, right by where Josie’s newborn picture is currently and Mattie’s will hang soon.

Mattie was born with Spina Bifida and has a tube that helps aide in her treatment. We had her newborn pictures taken a few weeks after she came home, but otherwise our session was just like every other newborn session.

Moms often ask about newborn sessions after NICU visits or even their own health or postpartum depression which can push sessions out a month or sometimes even later, please note for lifestyle sessions that are unposed and really baby-led so these pictures can always be on your timeline. <3

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  1. […] The Horn family met me at Sharon Woods for their families fall mini pictures. It was so great seeing them again and getting to see how much miss Mattie has grown since her newborn pictures. […]

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